

Jamill “Jimmy” Bradley

Jamill “Jimmy” Bradley

A note from Jamie Ferschinger, Riverside Park Branch Manger:

I met Jimmy this past fall when he and his friends started coming to the Urban Ecology Center afterschool. Jimmy shared with me that he was studying writing and that one of his life goals was to see his work in print. We are happy to provide this platform for Jimmy to share his voice with the Urban Ecology Center community.

Jimmy graduated from Riverside University High School in 2015. Thank you for writing this article, Jimmy!

Saturday, 27 June 2015 00:00

The Story of Us

A lot has been said about the youth of today, sparking a long-winded conversation regarding the merit of each generation.

Questions of generational inferiority, criminal intentions and crippling apathetic mindsets have all seemed to elicit less than flattering opinions about those of us set to inherit the nation. Conversations like these only rarely involve the subject of the discussion: teenagers. As an 18 year-old high school senior, I am left to wonder about the accuracy of this conclusion.


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