
What We Do

Land Stewardship

The Urban Ecology Center’s Land Stewardship team improves habitat on over 70 acres of urban land, vastly expanding opportunities for outdoor science and recreation. This volunteer-powered, community-engaging restoration work has helped reclaim hundreds of acres of land along the Milwaukee River Corridor, the Menomonee River, and in Washington Park. By removing invasive species, planting a greater diversity of appropriate native species, and mitigating erosion, the Center is restoring ecosystems which support more wildlife and create healthy outdoor classrooms where urban children, families, and residents can learn about their natural environment.

ROOT (Restoring Our Outdoors Together): Come get your hands dirty and help us restore our outdoor treasures together! Help replace invasive species with native plants, trail maintenance, erosion control, and more. Most often we will be outside, so come prepared to go out and dress for the weather. This drop-in volunteer opportunity is available at all three of our branches. Click here to view upcoming times.


The Center’s Land Stewardship team engages thousands of volunteers in its efforts, and in the process, participants are able to take ownership of our shared public places while providing ecological health and dynamic recreational opportunities for our local community. Volunteers learn how to heal the land, rehabilitate degraded ecosystems, and the importance of native plants and plant communities as habitat for birds, mammals, and important pollinators.

This careful and thoughtful community stewardship is paying off - we're witnessing the return of a wide variety of species to our land! These improved natural areas in turn have greater historical, educational, and inspirational value.

Click each location below to hear more about how we've been restoring our shared natural areas:

Riverside Park and the Rotary Centennial Arboretum

Washington Park

Menomonee Valley


Photo: Phyllis Bankier

Restoring and managing natural areas to better represent the diversity of life forms and communities once native to this region enriches outdoor learning experiences for students of all ages. We're all in this together - join us in healing our land! Click here for more information on volunteer opportunities.

Kim Forbeck, Manager of Land Stewardship, is explaining a plant that she is holding to a group of adults.


Help us restore urban lands and maintain healthy habitats.

Donate Today!

Professional Consultation

$200/hour; ideal for groups of 4-12 people.

Connect with professionals at the Urban Ecology Center to learn how to empower your organization to be a catalyst for positive change in your community via the Urban Ecology Center model. Engage directly with our department heads to ask questions and participate in hands on activities to learn how we do what we do and how you can to! Relevant departments may include:

  • Land Stewardship and Restoration
  • Environmental Education
  • Research and Community Science
  • Outdoor Adventure Equipment Lending and Urban Adventure Programming
  • Eco-Friendly Event Planning and Hosting
  • Green Architecture and Sustainable Building
  • Other topics may be available upon request

To set up a consultation, please contact uec@urbanecologycenter.org for more details or to set up a visit!



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