
What We Do

Teacher Training

Great Lakes Earth Partnership for Schools

The Great Lakes Earth Partnership program assists teachers in establishing native gardening projects on school sites and incorporates restoration into their curricula to include almost any subject area. The program offers a one-week summer institute and ongoing support from the UW-Madison Arboretum and Urban Ecology Center to help schools with restoration planning and curriculum development. For more information, see uwarboretum.org/eps/

Research Lecture Series

At the Center’s Research Lecture Series, you’ll join local experts who share their knowledge of current ecological issues such as water quality, wildlife, urban composting and organic gardening. The current year’s schedule is available by contacting the Center.

Other helpful teacher resources

Wisconsin Association of Environmental Education

National Association for Environmental Education

LEAF: Wisconsin’s K-12 Forestry Education Program

Project Wild

Project Learning Tree

Vitamin N by Richard Louv


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