
What We Do

Snake Research

The natural areas at Urban Ecology Center’s three branches are home to three species of snakes, including the formerly State-threatened Butler’s Gartersnake. Very little is known about the Butler’s Gartersnake, and our research helps determine population size, demographics, and habitat preferences, all valuable information that can inform conservation measures.

Community Scientists survey snakes with plywood boards, capturing, measuring, marking and releasing them. We have also studied overwintering habits, using implanted radio diodes to track the movement of the snakes.

Finding snakes
Snake research conducted with sheets of plywood.

snake research little girl snakes 

Watch this video to learn more about the Snake Research at the Urban Ecology Center


The Urban Ecology Center’s snake research has received valuable funding from:

  • Milwaukee County Zoological Society
  • Citizen-based Monitoring Network of Wisconsin
  • EPA Great Lakes Research Initiative
  • Prairie Biotic Research

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