

Lainet Garcia-Rivera

Lainet Garcia-Rivera


Lainet, Community Program Coordinator at the Menomonee Valley branch, has her Bachelor’s Degree in Biology and a Master’s Degree in Zoology and Ecology from the University of Havana, Cuba.  She worked at the Ecology and Systematic Institute in Cuba for several years doing research in Bat Ecology and teaching courses and workshops related to Conservation Biology.  Lainet enjoys doing any kind of outdoor activity!


When the word "bat" comes out in a conversation the first thing that many people think is about mosquitoes. We wonder how to get more bats in our backyards to have fewer mosquitoes. This is one of the roles bats play in nature, pest controllers. Bats find all kinds of insects to be tasty, like moths, grasshoppers, flies, and beetles to name a few. This not only makes our lives more comfortable, but in agriculture it can save lots of money that would be spent on pesticides.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013 09:42

A Journey Out West

Along with Community Program Educator Sam Huenink, I had the pleasure of accompanying the Center’s High School Outdoor Leaders on a trip to the Teton Science School in Jackson, Wyoming. I can attest that it was an amazing trip, full of learning and exploration, but I’ll let Patrick, one of our high school participants explain the rest.  Read on for Patrick McLinden's reflection.

Friday, 01 February 2013 09:45

Photo Phenology

Did you know that we are visually documenting the changing landscape in the Menomonee Valley? Over time, we will be able to see big changes occurring in this area including the planting and growth of the new 24-acre park in the Valley.

Phenology is the study of plant and animal life cycle events and how these are influenced by changes in the environment. In our monthly Photo Phenology walks, we use photography to document those changes so that we can refer back to them and compare the changes year after year.


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