

Tea Cakarmis

Tea Cakarmis

Tea is a Serbian-born citizen of the world! She received her B.A. in Political Science and French from Grinnell College in Iowa and spent her junior year in Paris. She discovered her passion for environmental justice while working for the Delegation of Palau to UNESCO and has since focused her energy to food justice and vegetarian cooking. She leads the Washington Park Young Scientist club and organizes the Environmental and Social Justice Film Series. On her off-days, you’ll find her doing yoga, swimming, drinking ginger tea, and reading historical fiction.

The viscerally devastating moving picture of a polar bear struggling to board a chunk of ice, dissolving under its paws, still haunts me today. Judging by the public and critical response to the The Inconvenient Truth—a national and international box office success from 2006—I was not the only one that found the documentary poignant and disturbing. The impact of the film is best captured by the Oxford University-run survey which shows that as many as 89% of respondents said it made them more aware of the problem of global warming and as many as 74% of them claimed that they had changed some of their habits after seeing the film.

Monday, 01 January 2018 11:42

Mindfulness, Curiosity’s Best Friend

At first, it might seem as if the concepts of curiosity and focus are at odds with each other. After all, isn’t curiosity — which we all wish to inspire in kids — a wondering mind that finds the unknown thrilling and riveting? To a certain extent, yes. However, a child’s curiosity is much more: it is a pull to uncover the truths of the natural and the man-made world. As such, it requires time, patience and focus, from both the kids and the teachers.


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