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Maybe you've heard of twitter but don’t understand how you could possibly play foursquare with us online. Or, maybe you know about Facebook and LinkedIn sounds totally foreign to you. Whatever the case may be, we hope this brief description will pique your interest and help you understand these social media!


Facebook is a social networking website that helps people to keep in touch with friends and family and share messages, photos, videos and links. You can also become a “fan” of just about anything, including the Urban Ecology Center! Our fans get our updates, links and photos and are able to comment and interact with us. We love when people stop by to say “hello,” go ahead, give it a try and see what happens! You can find our facebook fan page here.


Twitter is a form of social media that is considered “micro-blogging.” Users are able to post short messages of 140 characters or less, known as “tweets.” These tweets show up in the news feed of those who follow your tweets. Urban Ecology Center uses twitter to remind followers of events, share news and updates, ask questions and interact with followers. Find us on twitter here.


LinkedIn is a social networking site that is used for making professional connections with others. Follow our "company page" to get updates about job opportunities and internships. Find us on LinkedIn here.


This probably isn’t the foursquare you’re thinking of, you don’t have to draw a square on the ground or find a rubber ball! This foursquare is a type of social media that you use on mobile devices like smart phones to “check-in” when you’re at some cool place (like the Urban Ecology Center, for example!). When you’ve checked in more times than anyone else you become the “mayor” of that location. Wouldn’t you love to be the mayor of the Urban Ecology Center? Then, next time you’re here be sure to check-in! You can also leave “tips/to dos” for others so that you can let people know about your favorite activities here! Take a look at the Riverside Park Page and theWashington Park Page.

Want updates about the Urban Ecology Center delivered right to your email inbox? Sign up for one of our email lists!

We currently offer two weekly emails:

The Weekly Guide

This is our main email newsletter. It includes weekly features on various topics, updates about what's going on at the Urban Ecology Center and a list of events for the coming week. It is sent out every week on Wednesdays.

The Weekly R&R

This email is written by the knowledgeable folks in our Research and Land Stewarship departments. It lists land stewardship and research volunteer opportunities for the week and is full of great content like the Native Animal or Plant of the month.

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