

Michaela Lewellyn Humpal

Michaela Lewellyn Humpal

Michaela Lewellyn Humpal is the Development System Manager at the Urban Ecology Center. She was born and raised in Milwaukee but it took living away from the city for her to realize what an incredible city we live in. She is proud to be contributing to this wonderful community and is in awe of the generosity of the Urban Ecology Center members and volunteers. When she’s not working, Michaela is curiously exploring her new role as a momma.

Friday, 19 September 2014 00:00

#UECMembers Find Oasis in Washington Park

On a line of rope tied between two trees in Washington Park, six brown paper bags jumped in the wind. Two-year-old Lilli Morby stood with her father, Josh, and watched with wonder as a member of the Urban Ecology Center’s Community Science team took down one of the bags, put in a hand and pulled out a calmed songbird. The researcher weighed and banded the bird, identified its gender and a new family memory was made.


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