

Milwaukee Urban Ecology Blog

Written by Guest Blogger
Wednesday, 16 August 2023
10 years ago during Doors Open Milwaukee, my five kids and I happened upon this unusual place in the Silver City District’s Menomonee Valley and were a bit confused by what we found.  While we thought the building was beautiful and the people kind, we didn’t quite understand how it all worked. 
Written by Clare Eigenbrode
Monday, 07 August 2023
Lindsey Bereckis, a graduate student in Environmental Conservation at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is partnering with the Urban Ecology Center this summer to map species richness and biodiversity in the areas surrounding each of our three branches. With mentorship from our Research and Community Science department’s Geographic Information Systems (GIS) & Field Data Coordinator, Amanda Tokuyama, Lindsey has been using a software program called ArcGIS to geospatially visualize data that were collected by community scientists between 2019 and 2023. Lindsey is also comparing data regarding race and median income with biodiversity data for each of the surrounding areas.
Written by Urban Ecology Center
Wednesday, 05 July 2023
When I began working at the Urban Ecology Center this summer, I knew spending time in nature made me happy. What I did not expect was how energized I felt after my morning commute through the Oak Leaf Trail, or the sustained focus I had after taking my lunch break outdoors. Was it just in my head, or was this time in nature improving my mental health? 
Written by Urban Ecology Center
Thursday, 15 June 2023
It is with deep gratitude, that we bid farewell to our Forester Caitlin Reinartz. Caitlin's creative and approachable teaching style and leadership will be deeply missed by our staff, volunteers, and community members. Her unwavering passion and positive energy have been a constant source of inspiration to all who have had the pleasure of working with her. Caitlin's journey with the Urban Ecology Center began over 14 years ago when she joined as a Summer Intern. She soon after became our Bookkeeper. Although she cherished her time at UEC, she recognized that her true calling lay in the great outdoors.
Written by Urban Ecology Center
Thursday, 01 June 2023
Have you ever found yourself engaging in wishcycling? Wishcycling occurs when we toss an item into the recycling bin, hoping it will magically be recycled, even without proper confirmation of its recyclability. While this act may temporarily ease our guilt, it can actually have adverse effects. Wishcycling introduces non-recyclable materials into the collected recyclable materials, leading to contamination and increased costs of the recycling process. In this blog post, we explore the concept of wishcycling, its consequences, and a UEC's participation in one of Terracycle's recycling programs.
Written by Ken Leinbach
Wednesday, 22 March 2023
It is with great pride and genuine excitement for the Urban Ecology Center (UEC), that I announce a very positive leadership transition at the Urban Ecology Center. In June, I will be stepping down from the Executive Director position and the organization will welcome new leadership. This is a change I have been working on with the UEC Board and staff for the past several years and I am happy to share that Jen Hense will become the UEC’s next Executive Director. 
Written by Miguel Santos
Monday, 06 March 2023
Camper Noah Hammouri caught his first fish ever at Fishing Camp. Trivial... or not! When Noah reeled in his first fish on the first day of camp, he shouted my name and ran for joy toward me for a double high five as if he had just won the NBA finals. I had hardly known him for a few hours, and until that moment, he had been on the quiet side. I celebrated his success with equal or even higher enthusiasm as if he was my younger sibling.
Written by Urban Ecology Center
Monday, 06 March 2023
This spring the Urban Ecology Center (UEC) will be conducting prescribed burns at our Menomonee Valley, Riverside Park, and Washington Park locations. The burn will occur in partnership with The Prairie Enthusiasts and UEC Land Stewardship staff.  The natural areas proposed for burning have become dependent on prescribed fires in order to survive and prosper. These prairie and woodland ecosystems need fire in order to return necessary nutrients to the soil, combat invasive species, and remove dead, built-up organic matter. Ideally, lands are burned on a consistent schedule. Land Stewards are responsible for developing a land management plan and enforcing a prescribed burn schedule depending on the ecosystem type. 
Written by Urban Ecology Center
Tuesday, 14 February 2023
Today we are excited to introduce you to the Urban Ecology Center’s newly-named People & Culture team!  This team leads the organization’s work on human resources, internal communications, EDJ (Equity, Dignity, and Justice), Green Career Pathways, and other initiatives related to employee engagement and organizational culture.
Written by Urban Ecology Center
Thursday, 12 January 2023
Even though we experienced a drastic cold beginning of winter, the temperatures have been mild so far this 2023 with rainy winter weather and no snow on the ground. As winter’s mild weather could be the new normal, at the Urban Ecology Center we plan ahead with a variety of programs that can be enjoyed with or without snow all winter long. 


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