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Urban Ecology Center

Urban Ecology Center

At the Urban Ecology Center, we connect people in cities to nature and each other. Read more about us here!

Monday, 06 May 2013 09:28

Citizen Science Spring Workshops

The Center's program is really hopping (and swimming and wriggling and flying)! We are monitoring everything from mammals to frogs to moths. We need you! If you are interested in becoming a community scientist and helping us collect data in the park or analyze that data, please attend one of the monitoring workshops listed below. All of the workshops are free and are held at our Riverside Park branch.

It’s that time of year again – time to tap the maple trees, more specifically the sugar maples! Every year, the Urban Ecology Center takes part in the uniquely American tradition of maple sugaring by tapping the maple trees in Riverside and Washington Parks and boiling down the sap to make maple syrup!

The Milwaukee Rotary Centennial Arboretum is becoming a reality thanks to the support of the Rotary Club of Milwaukee, Pieter Godfrey, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, The River Revitalization Foundation, Wisconsin DNR, Milwaukee County Parks, City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee River Greenway Coalition and many more donors and volunteers.

See what's been happening with your support!

Friday, 28 December 2012 09:09

See for Yourself - Our Supporters

We are often asked how we have been able to reach so many people - 20,888 students in 44 Milwaukee schools and a total of 90,000 individuals just last year alone. Our answer? We have a great big group of loyal, generous supporters, that’s how!

We invite you to see for yourself. No really, see how many contribted to our success last year!

Wednesday, 05 December 2012 13:33

Healing Nature

We believe that time spent in nature is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for people of all ages. Check out our "Healing Nature" video below to see why it is especially important for today's youth.

Learn more about the importance of connecting to nature on our Healing Nature page


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