

Calling All Artists!

Written by Jamie Ferschinger
    Thursday, 12 September 2013
Calling All Artists!

I truly love science; everything about it. The precision, tidiness, predictability and accuracy of science are balanced with mystery, random chance, and outliers. Science is like magic. It is consistently mindblowing and awe inspiring. It is really quite a perfect balance.

Science often appeals to the logical mind. Though it is also inspiration and fuel for the artistic, creative mind. Art that has been inspired by science is often the most interesting for me to consume as it appeals to both sides of the mind.

One thing that is so compelling and appealing about art is that there are no boundaries, and if it is bound it is only bound by the mind of either the artist or the viewer. Throughout the years artists have displayed their artwork in the Riverside Park Urban Ecology Center gallery space as part of our Quarterly Art Show. Displaying artwork in a gallery space that is also used as a classroom space for kids as well as a meeting space for adults provides a unique opportunity to expose the artwork to a wide variety of viewers and touch a lot of lives. People viewing the artwork are not always art connoisseurs who come to the Center for the sole purpose of viewing artwork. To many Urban Ecology Center visitors happening upon the artwork is a pleasant surprise as they explore the Center. Consequently, the artwork displayed at the Center has probably been the catalyst of many conversations and have undoubtedly inspired many.

The Urban Ecology Center quarterly art shows feature local artists who create art that is inspired by science. Oftentimes the art is nature based but sometimes - for those who outside the box thinkers - it is about the intersection of where art and technology meet, or where art and environmental justice meet, or where art and trash meet, or where art and natural history meet. In all cases, the art that has been exhibited at the Center has been unique, thought provoking, and inspiring.

This is the time of year we when call for art submissions for next season's Art Show. If you are a professional artist or someone who dabbles in art as a hobby, we would love to see your art!

Click here for information about the Urban Ecology Center Quarterly Art Show and submission instructions.

Please share your creative talent with the community and consider being part of the show. I look forward to receiving your submission!
Note that submissions are due by October 31st, so do not delay!

Click here to see examples of the work from our current season.

Jamie Ferschinger

Jamie Ferschinger

With a Bachelor's degree in Biology and Communications and a Master's degree in Conservation Biology, Jamie brings a wealth of experiences and deep passion to her work at the Urban Ecology Center. As Branch Manager of the Riverside Park Branch, she helps to ensure that things are running smoothly and everybody is happy! Outside of work, Jamie enjoys running when the sun is coming up, spending time outside, cooking, listening to music and traveling to new places.


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