

Home Away From Home: UEC at Washington Park

Written by Terrance Davis
    Thursday, 25 October 2018
Home Away From Home: UEC at Washington Park

The Washington Park branch of the Urban Ecology Center has a sense of family. Once you’re there and interacting with everyone around the place, you will for sure feel the vibe too! There are so many reasons why the UEC feels like a home away from home.

There’s a kitchen where lots of meals are prepared by our Young Scientists Club. There is also the stage room and the classroom. The room that gives you the strongest feeling of family is the Lagoon Room. Sort of the living room of the center, people hang out here, play board games, or have a cup of coffee. The fact that we are all there at the same time enjoying the company of one another provides a feeling of togetherness.


The Young Scientist Club learns how to cook peppers they grew over the summer!

The fact that the floor is red in the Lagoon Room may psychologically add to the warmth of the place, but the main source of this feeling is definitely the staff here. You may see Tory helping a group of kids understand how sound can make rice move on a sheet of aluminum foil, or maybe Alex taking a group of kids out on a canoe for the first time.

No matter the activity, the expressions and emotions you see running through these children make us all proud of what we do here. So I want to personally thank my coworkers for making this place so special for these children that look at us like an extended family.

Kids playing outside in Autumn

Autumn fun with friends at Washington Park

You ask how I am so sure these kids feel like we’re family; it’s because I have been called “Uncle T” a numerous amount of times. Also, because the word “bro” is used so much in the community, the parents understandably feel a since of brotherhood from me. Or so I’ve heard. I definitely feel like I am with my family when I get here.


If you want to experience this feeling of family or if you just want to meet some new friends. I highly encourage you to come on over, have a cup of coffee, hot cocoa, or tea, and see exactly why this place is my—and so many other people’s—home away from home.

Terrance Davis

Terrance Davis

Terrance Davis is the Visitor Services Specialist at our Washington Park Branch. He takes a special interest in this area because he grew up in the neighborhood on 37th & Lloyd. Terrance's affection for the area is demonstrated each day with his attention to the neighborhood children and families. The work he has done with MPS and Choice schools across the city brings him much pride. With his daughters being his main motivation, Terrance strives to make positive changes in the community.


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