

Hope and Healing in our City

Written by Urban Ecology Center
    Friday, 19 August 2016
Hope and Healing in our City

As we reflect on the state of our city, we are deeply saddened by the events of this past weekend and the underlying issues that have afflicted Milwaukee for decades. They are complex, systemic issues that cannot be solved overnight or oversimplified.

There have been many voices responding to and explaining the unrest this week, and we are listening intently to the pain, anger, sadness and messages of hope and growth being expressed by community members.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the individuals and community organizations that are working for positive change. Many have already stepped up to provide support, resources and hope during a time of crisis. We applaud their response and dedication to progress. Despite the tragedies of the weekend, the community response has been inspiring.

Healing will come through inclusivity, kindness, collaboration, fairness and compassion -- values we share. As an organization that was founded in and is committed to positive change in Milwaukee, we are inspired by the community-driven efforts already underway. It will take the sustained, collaborative efforts of many to address the needs of our communities, and we are honored to be a part of this important work.

Signs of hope can be elusive when pain and tension are so present, but we can always find them in the youth of this city. They constantly remind us how thoughtful, creative, insightful and brilliant they are. We are fortunate to work with and be influenced by young people every day at our Washington Park, Menomonee Valley and Riverside Park locations. From our youngest participants to our high school and college interns, the over 18,000 young people we serve each year give us hope for the future of Milwaukee. We get to nurture and witness the growth of our next generation of leaders and we are so proud of them.

Along with the community organizations, youth and civic leaders of Milwaukee, the Urban Ecology Center remains fully committed to creating positive change in this city – neighborhood by neighborhood. The challenges facing our communities are daunting. Only together can we create this change. Our work to inspire youth, preserve and enhance safe urban habitats, and build community will continue in Milwaukee and we are humbled to be among so many other positive change makers.

This post is authored and published on behalf of the Urban Ecology Center's leadership team. We welcome your thougths and feedback. Please feel free to comment below or contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (414) 964-8505. 



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