

I See Abundance

Written by Ken Leinbach
    Monday, 01 December 2014
I See Abundance

"I got it! I got it!" he shouted, beaming with pride. He had just found the last stick to the fort he was building with his classmates. They were on a field trip at the Urban Ecology Center. He was maybe six years old, fully engaged and feeling on top of the world. I'd guess being in the woods and fort-building was something entirely new for many of them.

The joy, focus, and self-satisfaction of this young man and his comrades, boys and girls working together, was both playful and moving. I could see the teacher grinning ear to ear, watching her young charges working together, negotiating strategy and effectively creating what turned out to be a complicated structure. It was impressive!

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This story is part of our "What do you see?" campaign. See more stories like it by clicking here!

Have you ever built a fort? Think back to that moment ... remember how your imagination was sparked? You created something of significance that was bigger than you. You did it.

Just like your fort, you built the Urban Ecology Center. No, really ... YOU did it! There is no way to do this important work without your support. We need every stick to make it work. You made the organization grow to three strong branches in Milwaukee. You transformed parks into outdoor classrooms that enable hands-on learning. You created a child's lasting connection to nature.

I'm continually amazed by the abundance we find in our community and the generosity of others that makes so much of it possible. But seeing moments like the class building a fort for the first time are really some of the best. The enthusiasm and excitement from that boy and his classmates and the pride of their teacher became so contagious – it lifted me up that day.

We see a future full of stories just like this! Help us make this vision possible; donate today.

Ken Leinbach

Ken Leinbach

Ken Leinbach is a nationally recognized science educator and leader in community-based environmental education. From a trailer in a high-crime city park, Ken has had fun facilitating the grassroots effort to create and grow the Urban Ecology Center which is the topic of his first book.

Striving to live with as little environmental impact as possible, Ken lives in the community in which he works and, not owning a car, commutes by bike, unicycle, roller blades, and occasionally even by kayak on the Milwaukee River.



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