

Introducing the Riverside Park Junior Citizen-Scientist Research Team!

Written by Urban Ecology Center
    Monday, 08 July 2013
Introducing the Riverside Park Junior Citizen-Scientist Research Team!

We're looking for youth ages 7-13 years old who are interested in science and nature, love learning and playing outside, and enjoy asking questions and discovering answers. The subject for our team's important project? You might recognize them as a kind of striped catepilar, but to scientists they're monarch larvae!

Monarch Larva Monitoring Project

As a member of the Riverside Park Junior Community-Scientist Research Team, participants will be working on the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project, a community science project developed and overseen by researchers at the University of Minnesota. The project is a long-term study in the United States and Canada that seeks to better understand why monarch populations vary in time and space.

As part of our Junior Community-Scientist Research Team participants will:

  • Meet weekly for 10 weeks this summer and fall to find and observe monarch larvae
  • Be a scientist! Learn and practice community-science skills and contribute data to the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project
  • Create and answer their own research question by designing investigations, collecting and analyzing data, and drawing conclusions
  • Travel to a youth research summit in Minnesota to present their projects December 6th and 7th
  • Have fun and make new friends!

You can learn more about this fascinating project by checking out the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project website here.

How to Participate

Interested? To participate, youth and their parents must attend an informational meeting on Monday, July 15th from 5:00-6:00 PM at the Riverside Park branch of the Urban Ecology Center. Then youth will attend weekly sessions on Thursdays from 4:00-5:30 PM July 18th – September 26th. If you would like to participate, but are unable to attend the July 11th informational meeting, please contact Lesley Sheridan to set up a separate meeting time.

Informational Meeting for Parents and Youth:
Monday, July 15th
5:00 – 6:00 PM
Riverside Park Urban Ecology Center

Weekly Youth Meetings:*
Thursdays, July 18 – September 26th
4:00 – 5:30 PM
Riverside Park Urban Ecology Center

*Because this is an ongoing research project, regular attendance at weekly meetings is required.

Please RSVP for the informational meeting by contacting:

Lesley Sheridan
Riverside Park Community Program Coordinator
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