

I’ve Got a Fever, and the Only Cure is More Climbing Wall!

Written by Mike Ziegler
    Tuesday, 13 May 2014
I’ve Got a Fever, and the Only Cure is More Climbing Wall!

Acrophobia. That’s the Latin name for a fear of heights – but forget that for a second. Instead, let me introduce you to Abstentisfelixtriumphusphobia. Admittedly a word made up without any knowledge of Latin, but if you’ll allow it: “A fear of missing out on a really fun time and/or the opportunity to feel triumphant.” Or how about Ascendopetropariesiphilia, an “irrepressible love of climbing rock walls?” Well, with the opening of the rock wall for our 2014 climbing season, we’ve got a cure for all these conditions!

Our rock wall is now open, and you are enthusiastically encouraged to come and climb! Located at our Riverside Park branch, our 40-foot behemoth of fun has probably caught your eye as you’ve walked or biked along Oak Leaf Trail.

Perhaps you’ve looked up with craned neck and thought “Me? Never!” Or maybe you’ve been one of the countless many who have taken the chance and gotten hooked on the thrill of climbing. Whatever the case, we’ve expanded our offerings to meet everyone’s climbing needs.

New to Climbing? Try it for Free!

For those new to climbing, you’re able to come to our “Free Open Climb” which will be held the first Sunday of every month; come and give climbing a try for no cost!

See the Free Open Climb schedule here.

For the more experienced, we will be rotating in new and more demanding climbing routes to keep the challenge fresh.

climb blog 5-14 wallOur 40-foot rock climbing wall!

Open Climb Hours

If you’re already picturing yourself (or your kids) letting out a victorious howl from the top of our wall and wondering how to get there, here’s our weekly Open Climb schedule from May through September:
Sunday – 2:00 to 4:00 (First Sunday of every month free)
Tuesday – 6:00 to 8:00
Wednesday – 4:30 to 6:30

View this schedule on our calendar by clicking here.

Our Prices and Pass

    climb blog 5-14 pass

Get 5 climbs for the price of 4 with our Rock Climbing Pass!

Show up any time during our Open Climb hours, pay the climbing fee, and climb as many times as your arms and legs will allow! The prices are:

$8 for children ($10 for nonmember children)
$10 for adults ($12 for nonmember adults).

For our insatiable climbers, you can get more climb for your dime with our Rock Climbing Pass, where you receive 5 climbs for the price of 4! You can purchase a pass anytime during open hours at our Riverside Park reception desk.

So whether you’re suffering from a touch of Abstentisfelixtriumphusphobia, a bout of Ascendopetropariesiphilia, or even just a simple case of Ascendisfebri (otherwise known as “climbing fever”), having fun on our climbing wall is a surefire cure.

Mike Ziegler

Mike Ziegler

Mike Ziegler is the seasonal Urban Adventure Specialist at the Urban Ecology Center. He’s happy to hold that position; not only because it allows him to engage others in his love for having fun in the wilds of Milwaukee, but also because he’s now able to tell his parents you actually can get a job as an adventurer! Mike gets energy from building supportive and vibrant communities welcoming to all its members, as well as from the sun. 


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