

See For Yourself - Here's to Our Extraordinary Volunteers!

Written by Urban Ecology Center
    Monday, 02 November 2015
See For Yourself - Here's to Our Extraordinary Volunteers!

"The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra." - Jimmy Johnson

I often hear how extraordinary the Urban Ecology Center is as an institution in Milwaukee. How did  we get this reputation?  Well ... I'm not 100 percent sure but I have do have a pretty good theory.

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary — the secret to our success that is not shared with the world often enough — is the little extra from our volunteers!

Here’s to Our Extrodinary Volunteers! 5,174 volunteers + 21,593 hours of work = $480,234 saved through volunteer help in 2014-2015. *Based on UEC fiscal year and Independent Sector total value of volunteer hours for Wisconsin of $22.24 per hour. Volunteers help in many ways including land stewardship, teaching, greeting visitors, performing music, citizen science research, equipment maintenance, photography and artwork. Almost any skill imaginable can be used at the Center!

Our volunteers give just a little bit more every time they’re here — be it their time, talent or treasure. This "little bit more" has resulted in a presence that has become collectively quite extraordinary.

We are grateful for the "little extra" our volunteers share with us every day. As Shakespeare wrote in Twelfth Night, "I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks."


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