

See For Yourself - Restoring Ecosystems

Written by Urban Ecology Center
    Thursday, 17 May 2018
See For Yourself - Restoring Ecosystems

Your support allows the Urban Ecology Center’s Land Stewardship team to improve habitat on over 70 acres of urban land, vastly expanding opportunities for outdoor science and recreation.

The UEC is restoring ecosystems which support more wildlife and create healthy outdoor classrooms where urban children, families, and residents can learn about their natural environment. Here’s how!

 In the past year, between three branches, we planted: 14,500 native grasses & wildflowers and 1,010 native trees & shrubs...and we engaged volunteers in 8,452 HOURS of working on the land!  For the first time ever, we will be conducting prescribed burns at all three of our branches this spring! Fire is an important restoration management tool to knock back encroaching invasive species, remove previous years’ duff layers, add nutrients to the soil and invigorate the native fire adapted species.


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