

The Launch of our First Book

Written by Urban Ecology Center
    Tuesday, 07 February 2017
The  Launch of our First Book

Below is a short synopsis of the book. Click here if you'd like to learn the story behind it.

We are excited to share that the Urban Ecology Center's new book is now available! It's called Urban Ecology: a Natural Way to Transform Kids, Parks, Cities, and the World and the author is our Executive Director, Ken Leinbach. 

The book shares the story of the beginning of the Urban Ecology Center and our growth into three vibrant Milwaukee branches. It includes our lessons learned along the way such as how to find abundance in our community, the power of prototypes, and how to raise money.

Get the eBook Now!

And, of course, the book shares the importance of our mission. From the book jacket:

"It starts from the simplicity of getting a city kid exploring their neighborhood park. How is it that so much life, community, and opportunity can grow from this unlikely soil?"

As we continue to see success in Milwaukee, folks all over the world are reaching out and asking how is it possible that we are helping kids with their academic performance and at the same time limiting crime in parks and changing the dynamic of the city’s conversation about the environment.

We think that our story and our mission can be duplicated in any city of the world, and we would like to show you how it is done! This book is a tool to help transform kids, parks, cities and the world.

We hope you enjoy it!

The Urban Ecology Center





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