

Why Should Kids Have All the Fun? Summer Camp for Parents!

Written by Matt Flower
    Thursday, 02 May 2013
Why Should Kids Have All the Fun? Summer Camp for Parents!

Pssst...parents. I have a brilliant plan! Don't tell your kids, but I'm leading a Summer Camp for Parents. Year after year, I have parents and adults telling me how lucky I am to have a job that’s so much fun. They wail and complain, "Why should my kids be the ONLY ones in the family to have all the fun?", "Why should they be the ONLY ones who get to learn, play, exercise and explore?" So this year we're gonna have some fun - just us adults!

Shhh...we need to come up with a cover story. We'll tell others that it’s a chance to sharpen your naturalist skills and learn outdoor skills to help guide your kids. We'll plan activities like learning how to identify plants, trees and birds; completing a biotic index on macro-invertabrates in the Milwaukee River; collecting evidence and fossils from the Devonian period to better understand Milwaukee's geological history; gathering intelligence on various Milwaukee County parks; and performing experiments on the physics of rocks skimming across water. Trust me, they'll believe that our intentions are very adult and boring. Little do they know that we'll be biking, hiking, canoeing, fishing and exploring for a whole week!

If you'd like to join me in this revolutionary coup d'état, aka Summer Camp for Parents during the week of July 22nd - July 26th from 1:00pm- 3:30pm each day, contact the Urban Ecology Center at (414) 964-8505 or visit our Summer Camps website to sign up!


Matt Flower

Matt Flower

Matt Flower (he/him/his) has over 20 years of experience as an environmental educator.  Currently, Matt is the Environmental Education and Early Childhood Specialist at the Urban Ecology Center and co-leads a unique and innovative NbEC education model for children 6 and under called the Preschool Environmental Education Program (PEEP).  PEEP partners with childcare centers, preschools, special needs classrooms, and intergenerational facilities for in-school, near-space, and field trip opportunities. While teaching at the Urban Ecology Center he earned a Nature-based Early Childhood Education Graduate Certificate from Antioch University of New England in 2017.  In 2019, Matt was presented with the WAEE Non-formal Educator of the Year Award.  During his graduate studies, Matt completed a fellowship with David Sobel to provide innovative case studies for David’s most recent book, The Sky Above and the Mud Below, published in 2020.  “Matt’s work to bring nature-based early childhood approaches to inner city Milwaukee children is on the cutting edge of this movement.” David Sobel, Author and AUNE Graduate School Senior Faculty.  Matt is also currently teaching an online Urban Nature-based Early Childhood course at Alverno College in Milwaukee for graduate credit or badge certification.


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