

COVID-19 Response: Keeping our Community Healthy

Written by Urban Ecology Center
    Friday, 13 March 2020

April 28 Update:

Our branches remain closed to the public, and onsite programming is suspended, in compliance with the Governor’s Safer at Home Order. We look forward to reopening our branches and resuming onsite programs when permitted under Wisconsin’s Badger Bounce Back Plan. In the meantime, please continue to enjoy the outdoors (with safe social distancing), and please enjoy the virtual offerings we’re providing through Urban Ecology Center in My Backyard.

March 25 Update:

Hello UEC community,

To continue our effort to heed the advice of scientific experts and slow the spread of COVID-19, we will keep our branches closed to the public until at least May 15th. Keeping our community as healthy and safe as possible remains our top priority.

Scheduled programs during this time will be canceled or postponed. Building rentals will be postponed and we will reach out soon to reschedule. We will continue to assess the situation as it unfolds and will make adjustments as needed. Future updates will be shared through our website, email and social media channels.

As we all practice remaining “safer at home,” we are grateful for the many beautiful parks and green spaces in Milwaukee. Going outside for walks, hikes, bike rides, bird watching, and other activities can be done while using appropriate social distancing measures. We encourage you to take advantage of the natural beauty surrounding us and the wonder of this transitional season. We are frequently posting social media updates about natural phenomenon to look for and ideas for how to enjoy nature right now.

Getting outside can be an essential remedy to cabin fever, but please continue to use caution to minimize exposure for yourselves and loved ones. Avoid contact with individuals outside of your household, practice frequent hand washing, disinfect frequently touched surfaces, and minimize touching your face. As always, please stay home if you are sick.

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March 20 Update:

Our mission is to connect people in cities to nature and each other. So how do we do this while practicing and encouraging social distancing?

Our normal methods involve inviting people to come together at our branches and join us on learning adventures in Milwaukee’s beautiful green spaces.

But these are strange times. Like many other organizations, we have decided to temporarily close to the public and cancel or postpone scheduled programs. It is the tough and necessary thing to do.

As we settle into our new socially-distant reality, we continue to connect to nature individually and encourage you to do so too. The ways that the Urban Ecology Center helps you connect to nature will necessarily be different, but we’re ready to rise to the challenge!

For now, we recommend hikes, bike rides, and bird watching in your favorite local parks. Bring the members of your household and make sure to maintain a six foot buffer between yourselves and fellow nature enthusiasts.

Social distancing creates challenges for all of us, but we can all do this to help protect those who are most vulnerable to COVID-19. Apart, but together.

March 14 Update:

With the health and safety of our community in mind, we have decided to close to the public as of 1 pm today and remain closed until at least April 1st. Scheduled programs during this time will be canceled or postponed. Building rentals will be postponed and we will reach out soon to reschedule. We will continue to assess the situation as it unfolds and will make adjustments as needed.

We will continue to share updates through our website, email, and social media channels.

While our buildings will be closed, the many beautiful public parks in Milwaukee are wonderful places to get some fresh air while practicing “social distancing.” Time in nature can be very beneficial during these stressful and uncertain times.

Please continue to use caution to minimize exposure for yourselves and loved ones. Avoiding contact with individuals who are sick, practicing frequent hand washing, and avoiding large gatherings remain the best ways to slow the spread of COVID-19. As always, please stay home if you are sick.


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