

Here We G.R.O.W. (Gradually Restart On-site Work)

Written by Urban Ecology Center
    Friday, 22 May 2020

Hello UEC Community,

With summer quickly approaching, we are preparing for a safe and fun season. In addition to the virtual programming we have been offering through the Urban Ecology Center In My Backyard, we will slowly begin meeting other needs of our community through safe and careful on-site programming.

We have developed a plan to gradually restart some on-site programs at our branches, as advised by scientific and health experts. Following the model outlined by the Badger Bounce Back Plan, our plan will “turn the dial” to slowly phase in programming. The health and safety of our community remain our top priority so we will only increase on-site offerings when it is deemed safe and appropriate to do so.

We know that childcare has been a challenge for working parents, so Summer Camps will be one of the first on-site programs we offer. Safety and social distancing measures we are implementing include limiting camp capacities and age ranges, rigorous cleaning practices, and keeping our branches closed to the public. To learn more, please read this blog post.

We are preparing for the implementation of curbside equipment lending pickup and opening of community garden plots as well. As we start additional programming we will announce changes on our website, social media channels, and weekly emails. Please stay tuned for further updates.

For the time being, we are keeping all three of our branches closed to the public to minimize the number of people interacting at our buildings. Please continue to enjoy the beautiful parks throughout Milwaukee including Three Bridges, Washington, and Riverside Parks.


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