
What We Do

Costa Rica 2017

We are excited to offer an eco-travel expedition to explore the amazing biodiversity and unique cultural history of the Republic of Costa Rica! With the largest percentage of protected areas of any country and plans to become the first carbon-neutral country by 2021, the New Economics Foundation rated Costa Rica as the greenest country in the World!

Poas Volcano Crater
Explore the crater at Poás Volcano National Park!


This 12-day excursion is scheduled from Wednesday, February 1st through Sunday, February 12th, 2017.

About the Trip

Our adventure begins with a visit to Poás Volcano National Park, followed by an exploration of the Sarapaqui region with opportunities for either white-water rafting or a leisurely wildlife-watching boat tour. We will spend time pumping up the adrenaline with a zip-line tour and then relaxing in the hot springs near Arenal Volcano. We will make our own chocolate using traditional methods and then of course sample our creations during the Rainforest Chocolate Tour!

Costa Rican zipline by Micah MacAllen
Get your heart racing ziplining through the rainforest canopy... (Photo Micah MacAllen)

Steve Jurvetson hot springs EDIT crop 2 resize
...then relax in the volcanic hot springs. (Photo: Steve Jurvetson)

The trip also takes us to the beautiful cloud forests of Monteverde, rife with orchids, hummingbirds and home of the Resplendant Quetzal and Three-wattled Bellbird. Monteverde is also home to a strong Quaker community who moved there from Alabama after World War II. Uncomfortable supporting war efforts at home, they preferred a  country with no military. We will get an in-depth look at bats with one of Costa Rica’s premier bat biologists and visit the Children’s Eternal Rain Forest.

Cloud Forest Costa Rica by Micah MacAllen
The cloud forests of Monteverde stand in contrast... (Photo: Micah MacAllen)

Guanacaste by Leland Jackson
...to the Tropical Dry Forests of Guanacaste. (Photo: Leland Jackson)

Then we head to the beautiful and historic Tropical Dry Forests of Guanacaste, home of peccaries, Howler and Capuchin monkeys, iguanas and five species of big cats! Guanacaste also offers a chance  to swim under some of the most picturesque waterfalls in the world! 

The last few days of the trip will be spent as it should, relaxing on the gorgeous beaches of the Nicoya Peninsula.

Costa Rican beach by Arturo Sotillo
Wind down on the lush beaches of the Nicoya Peninsula. (Photo: Arturo Sotillo)

We will travel with Carlos Chavarria, the Director of Costa Rica Rainforest Experience. Carlos has lived his whole life in Costa Rica, was the Executive Director of La Tirimbina Rainforest Center, and is an avid Packers fan. Carlos is very intentional in creating an itinerary that supports local businesses and sustainable industries.


The price for this 12-day trip is $2,555 for double occupancy ($3,325 single), and is all-inclusive except for airfare.


The Urban Ecology Center Eco-travel program offers a unique way to explore local and international destinations while exploring issues around sustainability. Your participation supports the Urban Ecology Center’s mission.


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