

Introducing the Naturalist Skills Series!

Written by Lesley Sheridan
    Wednesday, 02 April 2014
Introducing the Naturalist Skills Series!

I'm very excited to introduce a new series of classes for adults and teens at the Center's Riverside Park branch – The Naturalist Skills Series! These classes are designed to guide observant and inquisitive folks in deepening their understanding of ecological concepts, especially those that are prominent here in Riverside Park. Each month from April through September this learning community will engage in discussions, activities, and observations of a different ecological topic.

In April, the Urban Ecology Center is celebrating Earth Month.  The Riverside Park branch theme for the month is "clean water," so for our very first Naturalist Skills class we are "diving into" the topic of Hydrology – the study of the properties, distribution, movement, and use of water!

You are likely already aware of how important water is to live on this planet, but I challenge you to take 30 seconds and write down as many ways as you can think of that water impacts your life. Ready? Go.

faucet jpegYou probably came up with a pretty long list, because water is all around us! It's in the air we breathe and in the soil under our feet. It's how we keep ourselves and our stuff clean. We recreate in, on, and around it. It quenches our thirst and grows our food. Water makes our bodies function on a cellular level. We need water and we love water!

In the Basic Hydrology class this Sunday, April 6th, we will examine the impact of water on our lives, discover the important effects of water on the environment, and explore how to protect our water resources!  We'll immerse ourselves in the characteristics and movement of water as we explore the relationships between people, animals, plants and the land. Come celebrate "Clean Water" this April for Earth Month with this water-themed program.

Interested in attending the first Naturalist Skills: Basic Hydrology class on Sunday, April 6th from 2:30 - 4:00 pm?  Register here by April 4th to participate.

Photo Credit: Photo Credit: Nicolas Raymond on Flickr
Lesley Sheridan

Lesley Sheridan

Lesley Sheridan is the Community Program Coordinator at the Urban Ecology Center -- Riverside Park branch.


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