

The Luxury of The Lagoon: Recreation at Washington Park

Written by Terrance Davis
    Friday, 26 April 2013
The  Luxury of The Lagoon: Recreation at Washington Park

The Lagoon at Washington Park is an awesome body of water. Not only is it the habitat for several thrilling creatures, the Lagoon is also a hot spot for recreation throughout the year.  The Equipment Lending Benefit at the Urban Ecology Center can help you participate in several of these activities. You can drill through the ice with an auger to go ice fishing in the winter or catch a settling breeze while canoeing from shore to shore of the Lagoon in the summertime. If you are a member, each and every piece of equipment is available to you from the Urban Ecology Center.

In the warmer months of the year the Lagoon is sure to have plenty of action with fishing, canoeing and kayaking. I personally enjoy all three activities and find that they each give me a different satisfaction. Fishing is relaxing and leaves me with feelings of serenity. With a $35 family membership that lasts one year, you and your family can come and fish too.


Fun with "Dead Fish Floating"

It may sound strange, but the sponge game called "Dead Fish Floating" that I learned to play while canoeing really got my adrenaline flowing. In this game sponges are randomly dispersed about the Lagoon, teams then scoop the sponges out of the water with their paddles and toss them into the canoes of competitors. Opponents can try to block the sponges with their paddles only, but once the sponge is in your boat it stays until the game is over. The boat with the least amount of sponges in the end wins. This game is sure to get the competitive juices flowing and is also tons of fun, join us for a summer camp at the Washington Park Urban Ecology Center for a chance to play this exciting game.


The Lagoon freezes over, but the fun doesn't!

The Lagoon is not only a hot spot in the summer- its popularity does not die down in the winter. For you bold souls that can brave the cold, ice fishing is always a great option when the ice is thick enough. We have everything you need for this sport: jig poles, ice augers and awesome tackle boxes make this ice cold sport a sizzling event. Ice skating is another fun winter option. Although I haven’t yet had the pleasure of ice skating on the Lagoon, I’m still thrilled with the anticipation of partaking in this activity.

As a resource for so many activities year round you can see why I think the Lagoon at Washington Park is an awesome body of water, and why this resource goes hand in hand with the Equipment Lending Benefit at the Urban Ecology Center. Even if you don’t go kayaking or ice fishing, I encourage you to come on down to Washington Park and visit the Lagoon. The scenery is an amazing sight to take in year round. The beautiful native plants that were used to restore the shore line are an absolute treat to the eye. Or you could snowshoe around the lagoon and see how long the birds stick around for the winter months. The Lagoon at Washington Park is a tremendous asset. If you participate in just one activity and enjoy it, you will then know the luxury of the Lagoon.

Don't take my word for it when I tell you about the fun had by all at the Lagoon, come see for yourself!

Terrance Davis

Terrance Davis

Terrance Davis is the Visitor Services Specialist at our Washington Park Branch. He takes a special interest in this area because he grew up in the neighborhood on 37th & Lloyd. Terrance's affection for the area is demonstrated each day with his attention to the neighborhood children and families. The work he has done with MPS and Choice schools across the city brings him much pride. With his daughters being his main motivation, Terrance strives to make positive changes in the community.


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