

Wisconsin Winter Wonderland Week

Written by Mike Larson
    Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Cross country skiing in Washington Park! Cross country skiing in Washington Park!

Winter is coming…and we can’t wait! Why spend 5 months of what feels like Wisconsin’s longest season* stuck indoors? The skis have been waxed, snowshoes checked, and sleds pulled out of storage. Winter Equipment Lending at the Urban Ecology Center is here!

As a contributing member of the Urban Ecology Center, you can borrow our outdoor adventure equipment for free for up to three days! Skis and snowshoes are some of the most popular pieces of equipment available in our lending library, especially during winter break. This year we would like to try something new for our snow enthusiasts: Wisconsin Winter Wonderland Week!

From Monday, December 29th through Friday, January 2nd, the Urban Ecology Center Riverside Park branch will be closed to the public while our floors are being refinished. The bad news is that members will be unable to come in to the Riverside Park Center to borrow or return equipment during the week. The good news is that we’ve decided to extend our normal lending time period of 3 days to a full SEVEN DAYS over the New Year holiday. That’s right, you can grab our winter gear and enjoy it all week long!

In addition, skis, snowshoes and sleds are usually loaned out on a first come, first served basis, and they are not normally reservable by members. To accommodate the increased demand during Wisconsin Winter Wonderland Week, we are going to allow members to reserve equipment for this week only. How will it work?

Step 1: If you’re not already a contributing member… become one!

Step 2: Call our reception desk at (414) 964-8505 to reserve your equipment. If you’re reserving skis, you’ll need to be able to give us the height, weight and shoe size for each member of your party.

Step 3: Pick up the equipment on Saturday, December 27th from 9 AM – 5 PM or Sunday, December 28th from 12-5 PM. Be sure to bring your driver’s license, credit card and $5 deposit with you!

Step 4: Enjoy Wisconsin Winter Wonderland Week!

Step 5: Return the equipment on Saturday, January 3rd from 9 AM – 5 PM or Sunday, January 4th from 12-5 PM.

Do you want more good news? Our Menomonee Valley and Washington Park branches will be open during Wisconsin Winter Wonderland Week, so if you would prefer to just borrow the equipment for 1-3 days during this week, you are welcome to borrow it from one of these two branches.

If you have any questions, please contact Mike Larson, Visitor Services Manager at (414) 964-8505 x126 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Hours during Wisconsin Winter Wonderland Week:

Menomonee Valley Branch

December 26th-27th, 30th-31st 12:00-4:00 PM

December 28th-29th Closed

January 1st Closed

January 2nd 12-7 PM

January 3rd 9 AM – 5 PM

January 4th Closed

Washington Park Branch

December 26th-27th, 30th-31st 12:00-4:00 PM

December 28th-29th Closed

January 1st Closed

January 2nd 12-7 PM

January 3rd 9 AM – 5 PM

January 4th Closed

Riverside Park Branch

December 26th-27th 9 AM – 5PM

December 28th 12-5

December 29th-January 2nd Closed

January 3rd 9 AM – 5 PM

January 4th 12-5 PM

*Winter is actually the shortest of the four seasons. Read this article for more info.

Photo Credit: Jeff McAvoy
Mike Larson

Mike Larson

Mike is a happily married man living with his family in Milwaukee. As a young child he spent days playing along the banks of the Rock River, fostering a love for nature which eventually led him to study biology and pursue a career with the Urban Ecology Center. He enjoys connecting people with nature through his role as the Community Programs Manager. He hopes that the work he does can help make it possible for his two sons and other kids in Milwaukee to grow up with similar experiences to those he had as a child.


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