

How to Celebrate Earth Day with your Children

Written by Alex LaBonte
    Tuesday, 21 April 2020
How to Celebrate Earth Day with your Children

Co-authored by Madeline Karian.

Just because we’re stuck inside doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Here are five easy ways that you can celebrate the Earth with your children:

  • Plant some easy to grow herbs like basil, cilantro or mint. Put soil into a planting pot and keep the seeds on your windowsill or in a sunny spot. Don’t forget to water them every day! If you don’t have a planting pot, you can use an old milk jug cut in half or plastic juice jug. In a few weeks you’ll have fresh herbs to incorporate into your next meal.

Pro-tip: try starting a seedling in an empty toilet paper roll! You can find the instructions here.

  • Invite your family to a trash pick-up challenge! Each participant gets a bag and gloves. Take a walk around your neighborhood and see who can pick up the most trash safely. Don’t forget to have a bag for the recyclable litter you find!

Use this quiz to discover if the trash you find is garbage, recyclable, or compostable.recyclable, or compostable.

  • Use some of your recyclables to make unique and creative up-cycled creatures. Milk jugs, juice containers, egg cartons, toilet paper tubes, plastic lids all make great art supplies. Be sure to talk with your family about recycling and repurposing while having fun with this craft.
  • Set goals that help the earth as a family. Goals can focus around being sure to turn off the lights when you leave a room, shut the water off when you’re not using it or trying to avoid using single use plastics when you can.
  • Get outside! The best way to enjoy Mother Nature and celebrate the earth is to get outside, play and explore as a family. This can mean getting outside in your backyard or local greenspace. Don’t forget the Milwaukee County parks are still open. Please be sure to maintain a safe distance with others.

Even though we have to be apart for Earth Day doesn’t mean we can’t all come together April 22nd and celebrate our planet. If you try out any of these activities be sure to tag us on social media with the #uecinmybackyard.

Madeline Karian started out at the Urban Ecology Center as a Summer Camp intern in 2018. After graduation from UW-Milwaukee, studying Biology and Conservation Science, she came back for more! In her current role, Madeline works full-time as a Community Programs Registrar and Educator. Outside of the UEC, she loves finding new ways to stay active, her cats and spending time outside. Madeline hopes to bring urban communities together to practice sustainability through education and neighborhood engagement.

Alex LaBonte

Alex LaBonte

Alex LaBonte is an Environmental Educator at our Riverside and Washington Park locations. She obtained her Bachelor’s of Science in Geography/Envioromental Studies from University of Wisconsin-Whitewater where she spent her time being an active environmentalist on campus. When she’s not exploring our green spaces with our wonderful partnering schools she enjoys traveling, biking and cooking.

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