Try out these tips to reduce the impact of things you do every day! Share the tips with friends and let us know what you do to reduce with #MKEEarthMonth.
Make sure your electronics are really off and not wasting power by unplugging them completely or using a power strip to turn several off at once.
- Unplug your phone once it has finished charging! A fully charged phone still can use up to 60% of the power it uses when charging.
- Start a new good habit of turning the lights off when you are the last to leave a room.
- Don’t blast the water when doing dishes! Soaking, swirling, using the sprayer, and reusing water are great methods.
- A four minute shower can use 20-40 gallons of water. Shower efficiently and quickly!
- Save time, money, and gas by starting a carpool group.
- Do you drive your car frequently? Save gas and get some excercise by walking or taking your bike instead!