

Your gift, no matter the size, makes a difference

Written by Michelle Milford
    Thursday, 01 December 2022
Your gift, no matter the size, makes a difference

“I guess I don't have a real understanding of how helpful $100 is - I think your budget is much bigger.”

An Urban Ecology Center supporter recently expressed worry that his gifts weren't impactful. His concern stemmed from the realization that there are those who give significantly more to the UEC than he does. 

A gift is not meaningful because of its size - a gift is meaningful simply because it was given.

Every single gift, no matter the size, makes a difference. Here’s why:

Your gift, no matter the size, impacts at least one life: It costs $42 to welcome a Milwaukee student to the Urban Ecology Center for environmental education programming.  Your gift gives them hands-on learning that directly correlates with what they are learning in school.  Your gift gives them a new connection to nature that might have never been discovered otherwise. You are having a positive impact on that one student, which follows them for the rest of their life.


Winter field trip at Washington Park where students learned about states of matter in nature.

Your gift, no matter the size, heals and restores urban nature: It costs $25 to plant a native tree in our parks. In this year alone, we planted 13,410 native plants to increase biodiversity, improve stormwater uptake and enrich the 70+ acres we manage. These trees provide native habitat for white-tail deer, mink, gray foxes, beavers, river otters, eagles, and more! 

Your gift, no matter the size, builds community: Your gift is a demonstration that you believe in our mission, believe in our staff and believe in our community.

Your gift, no matter the size, increases additional funding:  Your gift demonstrates to foundations, government and corporate funders that you support the UEC and they should too!  Grant proposals often ask who else supports the Center. Seeing your support listed with our other donor's signals to organizations with giving capacity to give to the UEC.

Your gift, no matter the size, multiplies with the gifts of others: Your commitment combined with the commitments of others will always be a BIG number. 

So, to the gentleman I mentioned at the start of this post and to you: remember - comparison is the thief of joy.  Your gift, of any size, is a GIFT that we cherish. Your gift, of any size, is a game changer for our organization and the community we serve. 

When you give to the Urban Ecology Center, we hope your joy is not overshadowed by the giving amount of others. Instead, we hope your joy is magnified knowing that many others hold the same beliefs as you - that you are among many others who want to…girlsplanting

  • make our parks better than before 
  • provide hope to future generations
  • protect wild space for plants and animals to thrive
  • bring the community together
  • and make a difference in Milwaukee and beyond!

EVERY GIFT, including yours, makes a BIG difference.

Supporters like you had this to say,

“I feel like my donation, though small, is still important enough to matter to you.”

“Minimal though my contribution is, it is a great satisfaction to contribute to this very well-run organization.”

“We are glad to be a small part of the community of supporters.”

With sincere gratitude, thank you for your gift! 

Michelle Milford, UEC's Donor Communications and Events Manager

Michelle Milford

Michelle Milford

Michelle is UEC's Development Communications Manager. With a degree in Zoology and Environmental Studies, she began her career as a zookeeper. An American badger remains her favorite animal - having raised one from a cub. After making some difficult professional decisions, Michelle ended up in the nonprofit sector where she’s happily stayed for 8+ years.  Having started in January 2022, she still feels incredibly lucky to be part of the UEC team - a team who, like her, cares deeply about the environment and those, both human and not, that depend on it. When she’s not at the UEC, you can find her exploring the outdoors with her husband, two young children and their deaf English setter. 


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